Hazel Sketch.png

Discover Your Greatest Self

  • We Build People

  • We Empower Leaders

  • We Transform Lives


  • Coaching

  • Training Workshops 

  • Corporate Consultation

A letter from Hazel.png

Hello Friend,
I am on a mission to Inspire You to Unleash Passion, Purpose and Power. Living in harmony with your purpose, adding your power and passion is an unbeatable force. That’s exactly why I founded Hazel Curtis & Associates, a team of Professionals dedicated to YOUR success! Although our specific mission is the support of Women, our messages are equally applicable to Men. For over 3 decades, we have provided workshops, seminars, educational retreats, coaching and keynotes to healthcare and business audiences. Our goal is to inspire you to CREATE a LIFE you LOVE β€“ whether personally or professionally.

As certified coaches we share stimulating messages to inspire women and men to recognize their unique strengths, unfair advantages and combine them with their personal passion, purpose, and power to bring about more happiness, fulfillment, and success.

I look forward to inspiring you! 

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