FREE Quarantine survival WORKbook!
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Lessons of the cards -
a study of temperaments
Spring & Summer - 2020
Southwest Healthcare System, Murrieta, CA
book launch & Seminars
Lesson of the Cards
Available NOW on AMAZON and KINDLE!!
Leadership Seminars
Creating and implementing Leadership Curriculum across large organizations is one of our cornerstones. Organizations may or may not provide you with the leadership training you desire. We provide low cost leadership learning opportunities for you. Connect with us to find courses.
Summer Masterminds are filling now
Joining a Mastermind dedicated solely to the journey into discovery of your future self, creating purpose, focusing power, and sharpening skills is a secret to success utilized by the most wealthy and successful of our time.
Life isn’t about finding yourself,
Life is about CREATING yourself
So many of us are like the tree in my photo----Tied up with strings that prevent us from flourishing
These strings may have been put there to help us. They may have been put there by others, or even by ourselves. If left in place, they start controlling the way we grow. The plants in the pictures were intentionally tied to prevent the winter snows from breaking them. Someone forgot to untie them in the spring. This little shrub was all bound up, yet she was blooming from within her constraints. My girlfriends and I spent our afternoon "unleashing" and shaking her back into freedom - empowering her to bloom where she was planted; to fulfill the role only she could perform; to find her inner power.
The path to discovering your best self - the place of passion, worthy life purpose, and true authenticity - is the best gift you will give yourself.
If you are ready to grow – ready to discover – ready to step into the unknown, you need our team. You will be coached, encouraged, and inspired to unleash your passion, purpose and power.
Joining a Mastermind dedicated solely to the journey into discovery of your future self, creating purpose, focusing power, and sharpening skills is a secret to success utilized by the most wealthy and successful of our time. This secret to success is now available to you!