Growing Your Personal Leadership Style
Knowing what you want is simply the first step. Creating a resume, getting the interview, getting the offer, then negotiating the deal are essentials in moving your career in the direction you desire. These things do not simply happen. Deliberate and intentional design have much more to do with what happens than "lady luck." Learn the secrets of getting and keeping a great job.
Hazel is a certified performance coach and has extensive experience in helping you move into leadership. She is an expert at influencing action and communicating to obtain the results you desire. Career coaching workshops, private consultations, and book recommendations are some of the resource available to you.
We specialize in the support and training of new leaders, frontline, middle management and executive coaching. Many new leaders are recruited from within the workforce ranks because they showed talent and loyalty. Often, there is little preparation, training, or support given to the new leader. Executive leaders know they need a coach in order to be effective. Frontline and mid level managers rarely have a coach. Learn the benefits you can realize when you have your own leadership coach.
Growing Your Corporate Leadership Team
Hazel is a certified performance coach and has extensive experience in designing, developing and conducting leadership training within corporations. Great teams do not just happen! They require strong leadership skills, the ability to set clear expectations, and proven techniques to communicate effectively with employees.
Hazel is an expert at influencing action and communicating to obtain the results you desire. Our team is available to conduct analysis of current onboarding and leadership curriculum within your corporation. We will design curriculum, develop a plan, and conduct training workshops to support the growth of your leadership cadre. Growing a great team requires deliberate and focused attention. In addition, we will provide individualized coaching sessions to selected leaders, in harmony with your mission and strategic plans. We create a safe environment, where new leaders can express their fears, frustrations, and struggles. Together, we will seek answers and find solutions.