Is your team in harmony? Do they understand and execute their role with ease? Can you take the weekend "off" without worry? Does everyone communicate clearly - or do you worry about "parking lot" meetings? Does your team come to work every day to do the best work of their lives?
If you have hesitated in answering a resounding "yes" to these questions, your team may be ready for corporate training, coaching and team-building. Hazel and her team have many resources that are practical, applicable to many service lines,and will make an immediate and sustained difference in how your leaders lead.
Leadership Development and Training
Corporate America, whether healthcare or business, cannot afford to continue to make the costly mistake of inadequate orientation or training for their leadership roles. Having a new leader sling an idea, like mud at a wall, and pondering why it didn’t stick. . . .then picking it up and slinging it again, is ludicrous. Evidence abounds that when industry takes a downturn, education is the first item cut from the budget. Not only is the new leader stressed, depressed, and ready to quit, but the staff are stymied from doing the best work of their lives. When an organization skimps on adequately training leaders the results are staff who lack direction, trust, motivation, and accountability.
Here at Hazel Curtis & Associates, we believe in YOU. We have Coaching and Training designed just for you. Regardless whether your corporation supports you in obtaining Coaching or Training, you can access this highly affordable resource on your own. We provide individualized coaching sessions, a variety of Leadership Courses, and many reading recommendations.
Employee and Guest Engagement
Did you give what you expected? A customer or a patient is never, ever an interruption in our day! Indeed, they are the very reason for our day. As a leader, it is important for you to set the standard of excellence in caring for your customer. However, the truth is, your employees will never care more than you do! Additionally, they will only care for others in the way they perceive YOU care about THEM. While every industry is measuring customer data - from hospitals to big box stores - the happiness and engagement of the employee is truly the barometer of the business. Our team is committed to enhancing the patient or customer experience with both curriculum and training.
Leadership Coaching
A few of us appear to be “born” leaders. Most of the rest of us have had to learn from the school of hard knocks. This seems to be an incredible waste of time and talent, even if we don’t account for the stress and pain of failed leadership. As a healthcare professional, I see leaders regularly selected because they are great bedside staff; therefore, we assume, they will also be a good leader. Yet, my observations say otherwise. I also hear upper management say, “We don’t have time to orient leaders, we need them to hit the road running!” I reply, “Yes, run they will, right into the first wall.” Most leaders have learned, not from books, or school, or advanced classes; rather they have learned by remembering how their 'favorite leader,' led. Overall, most industries lack a mentoring or coaching environment for new leaders.
If you are a new to leadership, new to an organization, or a suffering seasoned leader – I have GOOD NEWS. Top executive leaders invest in personal coaches! Someone in whom they can confide, be open and honest about their challenges, gain insights and valuable guidance in handling a variety of situations.
College curriculum focuses primarily on the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the career field to which you aspire. As a healthcare professional, I know there are few leadership courses in medical school or nursing school; yet physicians and nurses are expected to be leaders in their hospitals, communities, and churches. Likewise, accountants, realtors, financial experts, peace officers, are experts in their job duties, but have had little focused leadership education. As we make our way in the workforce, leadership opportunities will arise. Most industries lack orientation of training for these roles. Let us help you to become a rising star!
Communication and Conflict Resolution
Communication is the challenge of a lifetime. Great communication takes effort, whether you are sending a memo, explaining a major change, or providing feedback to a difficult employee. Having an arsenal of tools and coaching skills is imperative to your success as a leader.
No matter how much we know, we still get “stuck” or “sucked” into conflict. As a leader, you will often be called to mitigate conflict. Knowing when to intervene or when to step away from conflict is important. Learning to set great boundaries is a mark of good leadership. Our team will provide you with Coaching and Training to become even more effective.
You and your team will benefit by
Creating a team that understands strengths and respects differences
Utilizing open, honest straight talk
Developing and sustaining a common vision and dream
Embracing language that produces results
Ensuring that your presentations are alive and communicate your goals
Motivating self-understanding and impacting relationships