COVID-19 Daily Advice - Get Dressed

Have you seen the memes with the Barbie or the giraffe before and after Covid? I know this quarantine is really wearing on all of us. Working from home is probably not everything you always thought it would be – especially if your children are home from school and you are expected to entertain them PLUS carry a full workload. The kitchen table or the corner of the bedroom are not exactly conducive to an office environment! SO now comes extra stress - - -and if you are like me - - - It is so easy feel depressed, get the munchies, and stay in sweats or pajamas all day. To perk yourself up, feel positive energy, and treat your job and family well GET DRESSED UP! Put on the clothes you normally would if you were going to work. OK, OK – yes you deserve a bit of a break – so dress down by one level! You can be a bit more comfortable than you did when you showed up to the job. Leave the high heels or tie in the closet – but at minimum put on nice jeans and a great shirt. Hey, I will allow slippers! Feel the positive flow! During this quarantine, my daughter made a beautiful Easter brunch for her young family. She laid out the platters of food in a manner worthy of Martha Stewart! She insisted that everyone dress nicely; in their “going to church” outfits. Not only were her pictures fabulous and inspiring; her children are learning valuable lessons. She is teaching them that there are events in life worth of “dressing up”!” She is teaching them that when someone puts a great deal of effort into a lovely meal, - using manners and dressing up show respect for the gift of the meal. Simple courtesies are essential and getting dressed up is a simple courtesy that is both inward and outward. So, what are you wearing tomorrow? Take care my friend!