COVID-19 Daily Advice - Clean Something

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Find one area in your home or room that is begging for your attention. I suggest a closet. Next go get 3 large trash bags and mark one “put away,” another “give away,” and a third, “throw away.”  Take absolutely everything out of the closet. Vacuum or sweep the floors. Select only those clothes you truly love to go back into the closet. If there are things you want but that don’t belong in the closet, toss them into “put away.”  You may be shocked what has simply crept into the closet that does not belong there. In the give away and throw away bag – be HARSH!  Don’t hang on to sentimental pieces believing the “one day I’ll need this.” Don’t keep anything that makes you feel frumpy!  Don’t keep anything you haven’t worn in a year.  And for pity sakes, do not keep clothes that are not your size – especially if they are too large!  If you know your “colors” don’t keep anything that is not within your pallet. As you return your clothes, hang them on great hangers and all going one direction. I know you will not be able to part with a few items for sentimental reasons. I want you to put them on hangers and hook them onto the rod with the hook coming over the back of the rod. If they are still hanging wrongly by next year – you know its been two years since you wore them. It will increase your braveness! When you are all done, take a picture and share – you can even do a before and after --- we will do joyful dance moves with you!