COVID-19 Daily Advice - Try a New Recipe


A couple weeks ago I went on Etsy and bought a weird little packet of sourdough yeast starter. These little yeast “seeds” are to be treated like a little human, you feed it and stir it every day. After several days I added flour and then with several more hours of prep  - Voila – a loaf of sourdough. The yeast now lives in my fridge – still requiring regular feeding.  My frustration has been in going to our local grocery stores – NO FLOUR. I hope that means we are all baking something fun. Maybe something that meant a great deal to us when we were children. Passing on our family recipes and telling the stories the memories conjure up in our minds is a wonderful thing. Food is such a part of our family history, good times and warm memories. I encourage you to look through your family recipes and try something you’ve never made. If you don’t have a recipe on hand, call a family member and have her share it with you. My girls and I not only love our family recipes, we are always going on line looking for something new and fun. I love looking through magazines like Southern Living, Real Simple, Sunset or Living. The recipes are inspiring and pretty much fail safe. Going on line and looking for recipes is also really easy. I suggest you look at what you have on hand and using 1 or 2 of your ingredients, do a recipe search. Releasing your creativity in the kitchen can be fun and can include the entire family. So hit share and tell me what you made this week.  I am looking for my next fun recipe! Take care my friend!